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Welcome Remarks

Hoje Woo, Senior Vice President Head of Trade Services, Korean German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI)

Jana Narita, Senior Manager, Korean-German Energy Partnership Team, adelphi

Integration of Renewable Energy: Policies Supporting Flexibility in the Power Grid

GER Policy Perspective:

Anton Hufnagl, Deputy Head of Division, General issues of bilateral climate and energy cooperation, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Integration of Renewable Energy: Policies for Supporting Flexibility in the Power Grid

Brief Introduction:
Sukyung Hong, Director, Energy Technology Division, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE)

KOR Perspective:
Ki Seon Cho, Electric Grid Program Director, Korea Institute of Energy Evaluation & Planning (KETEP)

Study Presentation

Henri Dörr, Consultant, Korean-German Energy Partnership Team, adelphi

Panel Discussion:Challenges of and possible solutions for the efficient grid integration of BEVs

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Peter Radgen, GREES, IER, University of Stuttgart

Frank Borchardt, VDE FNN
Seungho Yang, Director General, KEPCO
Sung-Kwan Joo, Professor, Korea University

Summary and Outlook on Second Day

Jana Narita, Senior Manager, Korean-German Energy Partnership Team, adelphi

Sean Sangjoo Baek, Team Manager/Principal Researcher, International Cooperation Division, Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evoluation and Planning (KETEP)

Korean industry perspective on grid integration of BEVs and pilot project

"KEPCO AC V2G Pilot program using commercial EVs (IONIQ5)"

Ki Jun PARK, Project Leader, Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI)

German industry perspective on grid integration of BEVs and pilot project

Lennart Hoffmann, Project Manager, Product Development & Management, Next Kraftwerke

Input research project KOR

"Pilots for power to EV-Mobility sector coupling"

Jin Ho Kim, Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

Input research project GER

"unIT-e² – living lab for integrated e-mobility"

Michael Hinterstocker, Head of Digitalization and Modeling, Ffe Munich

Joint Q&A on previous presentations and discussion

Moderation: Jana Narita, Senior Manager, Korean-German Energy Partnership Team, adelphi

Ki Jun Park, KEPRI
Lennart Hoffmann, Next Kraftwerke
Jin Ho Kim, GIST
Michael Hinterstocker, Ffe Munich

Outlook and closing remarks

Jana Narita, Senior Manager, Korean-German Energy Partnership Team, adelphi