이벤트 세부사항

[Nov. 10 (Fri) Notice] This seminar has been cancelled due to special circumstances.

KGCCI, FKCCI, AustCham and George Mason University Korea cordially invite you to HRD Training Thursday: Leading and Motivating Your People, an HRD seminar led by Leo Jung, Professor at George Mason University Korea and former CEO of SK Petrochemical and SK Gas. Please scroll down for the seminar information to register. 


Seminar Information

  • Date: 16 November 2023 (Thursday)
  • Time: 2pm-6pm 
  • Location: KGCCI 7F Seminar Room 
  • Address:  Shinwon Plaza, 85 Dokseodang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
  • Language: English
  • Fees: 
  • [KGCCI/FKCCI/AustCham] 300,000 KRW (25% DC, VAT exclusive)
  • [Non-members] 400,000 KRW (VAT exclusive)
  • Cancellation after 13 November (Monday) 5pm or no-show will not be refunded.
  • Please contact KGCCI, FKCCI or AustCham to verify your company's membership status, if uncertain. (Scroll down for chamber contacts.) 

Seminar Description

  • This seminar is designed for leaders and managers working with Korean employees who aim to enhance their skills in motivation and effective leadership.
  • The seminar will include lectures on key topics related to motivation and leadership, with insights shared by a former Korean CEO and present management professor serving as the instructor. Participants will also have the opportunity to exchange their experiences in managing their people including Korean employees.
  • Through this seminar, participants will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively lead and motivate their people, gaining a deeper understanding of Korean employees and the factors contributing to successful leadership within this context.

Seminar Objectives

The seminar aims to equip participants with the following capabilities:

  1. Discuss how to manage employee motivation and performance
  2. Analyze factors influencing the motivation of Korean employees.
  3. Adapt leadership style and influence processes to their specific job and organizational situations.
  4. Reflect on their leadership styles and motivational skills
  5. Develop resolutions for effective leadership and motivation of their people.

Preparation for the Seminar

The instructor will facilitate this seminar using experiential and action learning approaches, such as sharing experiences, role-playing, and group discussions, in addition to the traditional lecture-based seminar method. Successful implementation of experiential and action learning approach demands significant time and effort investment. Participants need to prepare a worksheet in advance showcasing their leadership and management styles and discuss actively in group discussions during the seminar.

The instructor will also email questions to participants regarding their leadership styles and motivation skills in their roles as managers and expatriates in Korean workplaces. These responses will serve as discussion materials during the group sessions at the seminar.

Inquiries: hr@kgcci.com / 02-3780-4601


14:00 - 14:50
Module 1
1) Ice-Breaking: Leo’s Story - The instructor will lead an Ice Breaking activity and present ‘Leo’s Story.’2) Participants are requested to share details about their careers that are relevan...
1) Ice-Breaking: Leo’s Story - The instructor will lead an Ice Breaking activity and present ‘Leo’s Story.’

2) Participants are requested to share details about their careers that are relevant to leadership and motivation.

If needed, the instructor may provide a template (PowerPoint file) to support the participants.

Participants are expected to create the file in advance and bring it with them for the seminar.
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14:50 - 15:00
Break Time
15:00 - 15:50
Module 2
1) Motivation Theory
2) Leadership Theory
15:50 - 16:00
Break Time
16:00 - 16:50
Module 3
1) [Group Discussion] Engaging Activity for Motivation
2) [Group Discussion] Engaging Activity for Leadership
- Round Robin Brainstorming will be utilized in the group discussions.
16:50 - 17:00
Break Time
17:00 - 17:50
Module 4
1) Sharing the learnings in the group discussions
2) Summing up the seminar
- Group presentations using flip charts or white boards


  • Leo Jung (Associate Professor, George Mason University Korea)

    Leo Jung

    Associate Professor, George Mason University Korea

    Leo Jung, Ph.D. is associate professor at the George Mason University Korea. He teaches management and marketing courses. After graduating from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), he worked for SK Group, currently the 2nd largest conglomerate in Korea. He was CEO of SK Petrochemical and SK Gas. His management and marketing experiences with SK companies provide an invaluable foundation for his teaching and research activities. At GMU Korea, he aims to support the MZ generation of students to develop their career goals and become transformational leaders in the global business society.

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