Event Details
KGCCI M2M Seminar with Korea Beer Academy:
German Beer Tour
In Germany, the country of beer, the basic beers that we can easily access at large supermarkets or convenience stores include Pilsner, Export, and Weissbier, which are types that are also easily available in Korea. To introduce German regional beers that were not easily encountered in Korea, this 'German Beer Tour', jointly organized by Korea Beer Academy and the KGCCI, allows you to get to know popular German beer styles while also tasting unique regional beers. It's time TO ENJOY:
- Paulaner Mรผnchner Hell โ Helles Lager
- Gaffel Kรถlsch โ Kรถlsch Style Bier
- Weltenburger Anno 1050 - Mรคrzen
- Ayinger Altbairisch Dunkel โ Dunkel Lager
- Kaiserdom Hefe-weissbier โ Weissbier
- Weihenstephaner Vitus โ Weizenbock
- Schlenkerla Rauchbier Mรคrzen โ Rauchbier
- Ritterguts Gose โ Gose